Your destination for fall family fun
Grandma's Pumpkin Patch is open seasonally Sept 20th - Oct 30th, 2025
Monday - Friday from 10am - 7pm for pumpkin sales (no cow train these days)
Wednesday Night Fun 4pm - 7pm (most activities, no hay ride)
Saturday 10am - 6pm (pumpkin sales & activities)
Sunday 12pm - 6pm (pumpkin sales & activities)
Pig Races
COVID UPDATE: Due to social distancing requirements we WILL NOT HAVE PIGS RACES in the 2021 Season.
Here piggy, piggy! Our swift swine are back at it again this year. Our racing piggies will be on hand every Saturday and Sunday in October with shows at 1pm, 3pm, and 5pm for the crowd to root on.
The piggies race around the track to be the first back to their pig pen and the first to eat the donut. Our piggies earn warm, yummy, Grandma's Pumpkin Patch donuts for racing around the track. Hopefully none of them pull a hamstring!
If you are lucky you will be chosen to be a squealeader and root on your piggy, possibly Super Spam, Runter Woman, Alexander Hamilton, or one of the other racing swine. Get there early and root on your piggy!
And our racing ducks will be back again this year. The pigs can't have all the fun! We race four Indian Runner Ducks to see who can get to the finish line first.
Pig races are included in your admission into the